Bare Metal Cloud Services

Compute Service
Flexibility to scale your most demanding workloads.

Block Volume and Object Storage Service

Highly durable cloud storage to protect and serve your mission-critical data.

Networking Service

Your cloud resources on a private cloud network you define.

Identity and Access Management Service

Enable cloud resource governance and security, at enterprise-scale.

Database Service

Oracle Database, on-demand, on high-performance bare metal.

Enterprise Cloud. Uncompromised.

What if you could build the cloud over again? What could be done better today? What opportunities and advantages exist in new technology and approaches?

These are questions Oracle asked before building Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Services from the ground up to offer enterprise customers a new class of cloud. We’ve focused on security, rock-solid reliability, management for large and complex deployments, and flexibility to choose the systems you need. All while beating industry performance and pricing standards.

Enterprise-Level High Availability.

Ensure anytime, anywhere availability, and access. From network design to physical build-out, high-availability is a fundamental primitive of Bare Metal Cloud Services. We deploy our cloud in Regions. Inside each Region are at least three fault-independent Availability Domains. Each of these Availability Domains contains an independent data center with power, thermal, and network isolation. Low latency and high-bandwidth interconnect enables zero-data-loss architectures for applications like Oracle Database and high availability for scale-out technologies like Cassandra.

Non-Blocking, Predictable Performance.

Networking is the cornerstone of any cloud platform: it defines performance and the customer experience. Our flat and fast network provides the latency and throughput of rack adjacency across the whole network, allowing synchronous replication, and constant up-time. No network or CPU over-subscription also provides predictable bandwidth and performance. High bandwidth network interconnect provides less than 100µs latency between any two hosts within an Availability Domain, and less than 1ms latency between Availability Domains in a Region.