Advanced Persistent Infrastructure Threats

Security staff put a lot of emphasis on advanced persistent threats, or APTs, and rightly so. They are extremely difficult to defend against if a hacker is specifically targeting an organization. But with everyone's focus on APTs, we may be missing a different type of attack vector: advanced persistent infrastructure. The evolution of the Apache [...]

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IBM Quad9 DNS Service

A new nonprofit has launched a free Domain Name System (DNS) service that filters malicious domains linked to botnets, phishing campaigns, and other malicious activity. The new Quad9 DNS service built by IBM Security, Packet Clearing House, and the Global Cyber Alliance, is aimed at consumers and small- to midsized businesses, and doesn't share or [...]

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Measuring effectiveness of Cybersecurity

The majority of organizations don't apply metrics to their cybersecurity efforts, and those that do often measure the wrong things. Here’s how to ensure your cybersecurity projects pay off. And even when organizations' information security function does generate and deliver data about the business' security, it typically never gets read. To help security departments align [...]

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Importance of Encryption in a Distributed Infrastructure

As the perimeter defenses of an infrastructure continue to fall away, where should security in a cloud environment reside? The cloud delivers distributed infrastructure — compute, storage, and network resources are here to stay with nothing more than an API call. For the new perimeter, the best solution is properly implemented encryption. Encryption allows IT [...]

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Three lines of defense for data management

In the financial services industry, people are used to the three lines of defense for the majority of the risk functions. Generally the first line of defense for management of risk is the business, the second line of defense is a control function, and the third line of defense is internal audit. Increasingly firms are [...]

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Hunt for IoT Devices: Bots on the rise

The Internet of Things (IoT) and, specifically, the hunt for exploitable IoT devices by attackers, has been a primary area of research for F5 Labs for over a year now—and with good reason. IoT devices are becoming the cyber weapon delivery system of choice by today’s botnet-building attackers. And, why not? There are literally billions [...]

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